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Year Book 2013 - page 58

Year 11 & 12 Music
11 and 12 Music
Students elect to study Music in College if they are serious about learning composition
techniques for a range of different musical styles and instruments, are focused on
improving their performance skills and are wanting to further their musical career.
In Semester 1 they studied Music for the Theatre – including operas, operettas and musi-
cals. Students composed an aria in the style of an opera or musical, writing lyrics, vocal
melodies and instrumental accompaniments. They enjoyed an excursion to see a local
production of ‘Les Miserables’ and students were inspired to perform their chosen pieces to
an equally high standard.
In Semester 2 students studied Music and the Media, which involved an in-depth look at
how musicians compose, perform, record, arrange and edit music for various media in-
cluding film, T.V., advertisements and video games. They enjoyed developing composition
skills for a medium of their own choice by studying famous composers in the field.


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