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Year Book 2013 - page 57

7, 8, 9 & 10 Music
In Year 7, students studied the musical group STOMP who create instruments from
recyclable materials. The official group performed at the Canberra Theatre in September,
which was an inspiration for students to do their best with this project.
Students also studied cartoon music and learnt how to compose and perform music to
accompany a Mickey Mouse cartoon. Finally students learnt how to play the guitar
along with their favourite songs.
In Year 8, students wrote their own songs, performed them and learnt how to record and
edit using digital software. They also studed famous songwriters to learn some of their
techniques. They studied song arranging – which means chosing songs written by other
musicians and manipulatig the musical elements to create something new. At this level
they enjoyed improving their performance techniques on their chosen instruments and
worked collaboratively with peers.
In Year 9 and 10 students elected to continue with Music if they intended to build on their
performance skills and learn how to compose for a range of different musical styles.
This year they studied PopMusic – including the early beginnings in African music into
blues and jazz. They enjoyed being able to study their favourite contemporary musicians
as well as learning how important technology is today.
In their study of Film Music students learned how to compose music to suit particular
characters, moods and actions. They also enjoyed performing their favourite pieces of
music for film.


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