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Lyneham ELC News

Celebrating a fabulous BCC Twighlight Fete

A big thank you to all those people, P&F members, staff and parents, who put in so much time and effort to make Friday’s Twilight Fete such a huge success. Special thanks and appreciation to Suzie Fowler who gave up so much of her time to coordinate the entire event. This was my first Brindabella Fete and the sense of community and spirit that I witnessed on Friday was another highlight to what has been a very big year for Brindabella. Bruce Handley Principal Brindabella Christian College

Children are effective communicators - Easter Story

This is evident when children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media .

Last few days of 2015

Click on the link below to view the last few days of 2016.

Last week, PK made some 'dinosaur footprints' with salt dough.

The most frequently asked question was, "Can I eat it?" Mrs Sarah promised that we would make something we can eat - so today we made 'dinosaur footprints' with gingerbread. They were yyuummyyy! :)

Let Them Run Wild

As the days are getting shorter and the weather is colder it is a good reminder that children still need to get outside and do exercise and activities. This is not only good for their health but also good for their mental health. Click here for recent research in this area.

Rhonda Malouf School Psychologist

Make your own Afternoon Tea Day

Today was 'make your own afternoon tea' day in PK, and we made jelly with fruit! We focused very hard to pour our jelly 'half way' and then added grapes and honeydew to our cup. We can't wait for this afternoon when we can gobble it up. :)

Maths & Science at ELC

Today we did a combined maths/science lesson. We discussed volume and measurement. We also used the observe (notice), predict (guess) explain (why did it happen) formula for exploring how and why the food dyes were diluted and spread throughout the water. Finally, we discussed the rainbow they formed and reminded P.K. what kind of behaviour is “Rainbow Behaviour”, linking to our behaviour reward system. It was fun 

Miss Ann celebrates 60 Years

Our Miss Ann celebrated her 60th birthday over the Christmas break so we didn't get a chance to celebrate with her. Happy Birthday Miss Ann from your Brindabella family. Thank you for the blessing you are to our community. We love you.

Mobilo Creations in PK

In PK this week we used our imaginations and covered the floor with mobilo creations. We made patterns with bead boards and shapes, used play dough, and drew with pencils and textas outside and inside. Learning through play in this way means we are developing our fine and gross motor skills, learning to sort and sequence, which is getting us ready for maths and literacy activities later on, and also learning that symbols on a page have meaning.

P3 Tent Making

The highlight of the P3 class was making outside tents with Mr Kieran. We had great fun deciding how it would best work. Tents can be a wonderful place for imaginative play to develop and grow. They can become a cave, home, office, or anything in the world we want them to be. And they are great fun. :)

PK 2015 Christmas Digital Art

Click on the below link to see the PK 2015 Christmas Digital Art.

PK Harmony Day - 25 March 2014

This week the children in PK participated in Harmony Day activities. One of our favourite activities was the ice-cream shop. Children were very excited about role playing based on an ice-cream shop, as we created and tasted “ice-creams”.

PK Literacy Information Session and family BBQ

Last night’s Literacy for Little Learners (LLL) information evening was well attended by PK families. We enjoyed a BBQ dinner together in the new Charnwood Junior School yard. We then heard a presentation by Rose, who wrote the Literacy for Little Learners program.

PK's Archaeological Dig

PK's precious prac student, Miss Tessa brought in a wonderful activity for the children today. We pretended to be archaeologists carefully brushing away with our tools, searching for dinosaur bones. We took an ink wash over a blank page and - WOW - we discovered some dinosaurs. We matched them up with the skeletons we knew and then tried to name all of them!

This week PK made marble paintings!

We 'drizzled' some paint over our paper and 'rolled' the marbles around the box. Some of us made frames, others made spider webs and a few made 'explosions.'


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100 Days of Kindergarten

On Tuesday, Kindergarten celebrated 100 days of being at school. The entire day focused on the number 100: To start the day, children brought in 100 things and told the class about them during news time; they used an app to see what they would look like when they are old and drew portraits of themselves. They wrote about what they want to do before they turned 100. Some of the children’s responses included wanting to be a police man or woman, a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, artist, vet, a soldier and an inventor. With $100.00 children identified what they would like to buy from lollies and dolls to a house or a car….if only. In Math, students raced to see who could use a dice and count on to the number 100 first, they built a pyramid using 100 plastic cups, made a graph using 100 cars and sorting them into colours and making ten groups of 10 to make 100. Kindergarten even stood in the formation of the number 100, to have their photo taken. Lastly, everyone had a party, and what a feast it was, with all sorts of multicultural delicacies from samosas to dumplings, spring rolls, noodles, rice, lamingtons and fairy bread of course, and all sorts of sweet treats too. Children were all given a bubble wand to take home to remember their 100 Day Celebration. The day was a huge success. A special thank you to all the mums and dads who helped out on the day, sent in treats, and collected 100s of things at home. A very BIG thank you to the P&F for organising the bubble wands.

Tennis, Walk, and Fresh Tastes

Article written by Tennis ACT

Brindabella Christian College (Charnwood Campus) hosted their Tennis, Walk, and Fresh Tastes Celebration Day at the end of Term 2. As a proud Partner School since 2016, Brindabella celebrated the important role health and fitness plays in schools by inviting Tennis ACT School Development Coordinator, Geoff Bartlett to attend, as well as representative from the Fresh Tastes, an initiative of the ACT Government.

A Good relationship with your child builds resiliency

Having a good relationship with our children not only feels great for parents and children, but it also helps children to develop positive friendships at school, it can help them to build resiliency and it can also help with their behaviour at home and at school. This week I am sharing with you an article from the Raising Children website about Good Family Relationships. In it, you'll find some great suggestions on how to make sure you're spending quality time with your children as well as ways to communicate positively with your children. It might be possible to make a few simple changes to your family's routine in order to increase connection and strengthen the relationship that you have with your children. If you have questions or want to learn more about this then please come and have a chat with me and together we can work on some ideas that suit your family. With blessings, Carrie Coghlan Student and Family Counsellor Charnwood Junior School Campus

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