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Community News

Zone Athletics

A team of 42 students competed on Thursday 11 August at the Northside zone Track & Field carnival. This is the largest contingent of athletes BCC has sent to the 12years & under carnival. Ten of these students qualified to compete at the ACT carnival 6th September. Congratulations to these students

1st Day of Term 1 2017

Welcome back everyone. Here is a tiny glimpse of 1st Day of Term 1 2017.

2015 Battle for Australia National

On Wednesday the 2nd of September, Mrs Spencer, Mrs Jones and a group of 17 students headed to the War Memorial for the 70th Anniversary of the Battle on Australia. About sixty selected students, representing school students of Australia, attended this event. Senator Zed Seselja gave an address on behalf of the Prime Minister and the students were amazed by the Director of the War Memorial Dr Bendon Nelson who gave a non-scripted address with precise articulation of about 20 names, titles and war history.

2015 BCC Camp Video (Part 1)

Check out some of the highlights.

2016 BCC Presentation Night Highlights: Holy Holy Holy

2016 BCC Presentation Night Highlights: Holy Holy Holy

2016 Building Plans

This week, I presented to the P&F some drawings for the Lyneham Junior School and Sports Hall and these are now available for everyone to view. Please follow the below links. Bruce Handley Principal

2016 Paper Plane Competition

There was lots of excitement and anticipation as students headed out to the oval this morning for the annual BCC Paper Plane Competition. As the different year groups came forward the competition along with a strong westerly wind gave students a bit of a challenge. Junior School: Gudgenby won with 15 points Middle School: Booromba won with 13 points Senior School: Namadji won with 10 points Teachers: Gudgenby won with 10 points The overall winner on the day was: Gudgenby with a total of 32 points. Many thanks to Mrs Harch and Pastoral staff for organising this event.

2017 Cross Country Carnival

What a lovely day for the 2017 Cross Country Carnival.

8 records broken at the BCC Athletics Carnival

The showcase at yesterday’s BCC Athletics Carnival was the Girls 800m where Katherine M, from Year 9, shaved 50 secs off a 30 year old record.

ACT Fire and Rescue educate Canberra children

There was a commotion on Monday morning in the grounds of Brindabella Christian College, caused by a boisterous group of tiny children rolling around, flailing limbs as they pretended to be on fire.

ADFA Excursion for Year 7/8 Boys

This week the Year 7 & 8 boys had a wonderful opportunity to visit Australia’s Defence Force Academy. We were given a comprehensive tour through the university, visiting a cadets' room, science labs, engineering workshops, PE training facilities, gyms and the high ropes course.

A Good relationship with your child builds resiliency

Having a good relationship with our children not only feels great for parents and children, but it also helps children to develop positive friendships at school, it can help them to build resiliency and it can also help with their behaviour at home and at school. This week I am sharing with you an article from the Raising Children website about Good Family Relationships. In it, you'll find some great suggestions on how to make sure you're spending quality time with your children as well as ways to communicate positively with your children. It might be possible to make a few simple changes to your family's routine in order to increase connection and strengthen the relationship that you have with your children. If you have questions or want to learn more about this then please come and have a chat with me and together we can work on some ideas that suit your family. With blessings, Carrie Coghlan Student and Family Counsellor Charnwood Junior School Campus

Anxiety in Mathematics

by Mr Paul Thompson, Head of Mathematics Many conversations with students and parents revolve around the issue of anxiety in Mathematics. I was reading an article about anxiety in Mathematics and thought it raised some very good points. In my opinion, one of the difficulties of Mathematics is that it is right or wrong.

So much of the world we live in, being right is relative.

Mathematics is a beautiful thing, as it reveals to us order - much like God's order in the World. Without going into the theology of Mathematics, the article raises many points as to why students feel anxious when studying Mathematics.

Regardless of your child's natural understanding of Mathematics, learning Mathematics must come from a place of hard work, as if we are doing it to glorify God. As you read this article, I would encourage you to talk with your child about the challenges they face in mathematics and show them the relevance of the skills they will need in the world we live in. How to Overcome Math Anxiety

ANZAC Day Ceremony

On Thursday 27 April students from BCC held an ANZAC Day Ceremony to remember those who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. Lest we forget.

Anzac Day Service

What a lovely ANZAC Day Service!

Aussie Women's Sevens star celebrates Olympic Day with Canberra school visit

Rachel Crothers, of the Australian Women’s Rugby Sevens squad, visited students at Brindabella Christian College in Canberra to celebrate Olympic Day 2015, an internationally recognised celebration of the Olympic Movement.

BCC Athletic Carnival - 21 May 2015

What a lovely day for a BCC Athletics Carnival

BCC Athletics Carnival

A great time was had by all at the BCC Athletics Carnival today. Blessed by beautiful sunshine it was a great community day. Congratulations to all students for their participation. A number of College records were broken:

BCC Beatles

BCC Cross Country Carnival - Abbey Road at Lake G! What a look!

BCC Blue Jays gave their best in last weekend's Netball Grand Final

Tensions were high at the 2016 North Canberra Intermediate Netball Division 8 Grand Final last Saturday, as the game between BCC Blue Jays and the North Gungahlin Netball Team ended in a draw then went into extra time.

BCC Hockey Teams run on for their first games

Brindabella is proud to announce the launching of their U7 Hockey team and their U9 Hockey team. The players ran on for their first game on Saturday 2nd May and a great time was had by all; they play each Saturday morning through the winter months at the Nicholls ovals. On Monday afternoons the teams train on the turf adjacent the BCC Lyneham Netball courts. Rebecca Mackenzie (year 11 ) and Katherine Mead (year 10), our school’s two U18 Division 1players, conduct this training. They have a wealth of playing experience and love sharing it with our young players. In the U9 team Isaac, Mikayla, Eva, Charles, Ella , Isabel, Lucyand Sophia are having a great time scoring goals and defending their goal. The players have been quick to learn skills with their hockey ball and stick, and quick to understand where to be on the hockey field so they can help out their fellow team mates. Many thanks to their Saturday field coach, Mr Andrew M. In the U7 team Anthony, Ahaana, Harry, Anna, Lila and Diya have been having a lot of fun with their new hockey stick and ball. Each Saturday they practice their skills and then have a game with another U7 team. Our U7 team has some budding goal keepers and some keen goal scoring ‘strikers’ in the making. Their Saturday field coach, Mr James M has as much fun as the players; our thanks to Mr M for his involvement and support. At Monday training the U7 team is joined by Maddison and Scarlett. We are very pleased to have Maddison and Scarlett with us readying themselves for the Spring-time hockey activities.

BCC stopped to remember

Today the staff and students at Brindabella Christian College stopped to remember those who had given their lives fighting in various wars in Australia’s history. View a short video of today's service blow:

BCC @ the National Eisteddfod

Congratulations to our Music ensembles that performed at the National Eisteddfod this weekend at Llewellyn Hall! Intermediate Band received a Bronze award and both Intermediate Strings and Senior Band received a Silver award. Congratulations to all students who participated and well done for representing the College at such a high level of competition. Thank you to Mr Joel Andrew, Mrs Jacqui Smith and Mrs Gemma White for leading the ensembles.

BCC Under 9s Hockey - WIN

Despite a frigid start to the game the U9 were dominant in attack from the outset. Lovely passes from Ava and Lucy gave Isaac the opportunity to convert a skilful goal. Some great sister cooperation saw both Isabel and Sophia score two further goals. Ella and Mikaylas were excellent in defence with their tackles. Our loaned central player kindly scored the last goal ending the game on an impressive four nil. Well done!

Book Tasting

This week Year 8 did some “Book Tasting” in the Library. Groups were give 1 minute to select a book from a genre table and then 4 minutes to taste it and rate it. A number of matches were made!”

Book Week Author Visit

Last week we celebrated Book Week at the College. We enjoyed a visit from author Katrina Nannestad, who entertained students with her wonderful wit as well as teaching students about the skills every good author needs. Thank you to Mrs Rachel Richards and Mrs Sharon Bowers for organising the week of events. The celebrations culminated on Friday with our Book Character Dress-Up Day.

Book Week Characters

Students from Kindergarten to Year 12 came to school today dressed as their favourite Book Week character. Click on the below video to see more.

Brindabella's Got Talent

It certainly does! Congratulations to all who were involved in this fantastic event – the student talent exhibited was fantastic with some very funny and very skilled performances.

Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award

Last Wednesday evening a group of past and present students received Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards at Old Parliament House.

Brumby Jack came to BCC

It was a wonderful couple of hours with Brumby Jack last week. How amazing to see so many happy BCC students joining in the fun, followed by a coaching clinic from the Brumbies coaching development team.

Camp Departures

Students on BCC Camps have all departed! There were lots of happy faces inside and outside the bus.

Celebrating a fabulous BCC Twighlight Fete

A big thank you to all those people, P&F members, staff and parents, who put in so much time and effort to make Friday’s Twilight Fete such a huge success. Special thanks and appreciation to Suzie Fowler who gave up so much of her time to coordinate the entire event. This was my first Brindabella Fete and the sense of community and spirit that I witnessed on Friday was another highlight to what has been a very big year for Brindabella. Bruce Handley Principal Brindabella Christian College

Celebrating Mother's Day

Charnwood KB families joined with ELC families this morning to celebrate Mothers Day. It was wonderful to see so many happy families together.

Celebrating World Poetry Day in the Library

Pass The Poems, Please by Jane Baskwill

Children's Book Council - Book of the Year

Mrs Richards and four students in Year 7 attended the Children's Book Council Book of the Year awards announcements at the National Library. A highlight was meeting award winning author Libby Gleeson.

Children’s Book Council Conference

Last weekend I had the privilege of representing Brindabella at the National Conference of the Children’s Book Council of Australia, held here in Canberra. This biennial event brings together authors, illustrators, publishers and book lovers from all around the country. The Conference involved plenary sessions, trade displays, book launches and the opportunity to mingle with like-minded people who believe in the power of books for children.

Commemorating ANZAC Day in the Library

Students from Kindergarten through to Year 6 will get the opportunity over the coming week to explore the Memorial Box of World War 2 documents and artefacts on loan from the Australian War Memorial. Housed in the library, those resources along with age appropriate book resources will help prepare students to understand and commemorate Anzac Day this year.


Congratulations to our four winning netball teams: The Bunyips, The Babes, The Bluebirds, the Boomerangs. It was encouraging to see so much support on Saturday including members of the student body, community and friends. This is an incredible effort and we are extremely proud of our girls. Each player was determined, brave and committed to their team mates. Please find the scores below.

Congratulations Ben Archer

Late last year Ben Archer was awarded the Euan Crone Scholarship for Asian Awareness from the Australian Institute of International Affairs. As part of this award, Ben will be undertaking a research project in China during 2017 to examine "How we can better equip senior high school students to engage with China during their adult years".

Congratulations Kelsey-Lee!

Former BCC Student Kelsey-Lee Roberts has, for the last few weeks, been touring Europe and competing in a number of athletics meetings in preparation of the World Championships in Beijing later this year. Last night she competed in Sollentuna, Sweden in the Folksam Grand Prix. She threw 63.17m to win the event and the exciting news from that is that she has now qualified for the Olympic Games in Rio next year. Congratulations to Kelsey-Lee the whole of BCC is proud of you!

Congratulations Mr Whitten

Congratulations to Mr. Ralph Whitten for his position among the finalists in the National Photographic Portrait Prize.

Contratulations to our Middle School Athletics Age Champions

The Age Champions are: Stephen F from Year 8, Emily D from Year 7, Jazmin B from Year 8, Annick T from Year 6, Luke B from Year 6, Annabelle J from Year 6, Chris M from Year 6, Hayden T from Year 5

Cross Country

What a beautiful sunny day for Cross Country. The students looked like they had a great time.


Please be advised that tomorrow's cross country carnival has been cancelled due to poor weather conditions. Please attend school as per normal timetable in full school uniform. The P & F will be serving ordered lunches as planned tomorrow at school. Please make sure your child also has a snack as due to the volume of orders some older age groups may be served at second lunch. Please note: we can only cater for pre-ordered lunches.

New Date: The Cross Country Carnival will now be held in the first week back after the holidays on Friday 1 May.

Cross Country Winners

Last week we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day for our Cross Country. Students participated well, cheered loudly and competed passionately. A big thank you to the P&F and their volunteers who cooked the sausage sandwiches on the day. After a range of activities including tug o war, aged relay and the main event we were able to identify our champion house and the house to win the spirit cup. The spirit cup winners for 2014 was Bimberi led by house leaders Brock Logue and Annie Kruger.

Dance Performance

For two terms our wonderful after school dance group has been working towards the performance of four songs from the, ‘Prince of Egypt,’ and it turned out splendidly! We had a wonderful turn up of parents and students alike, and everybody enjoyed the performances. It was a great success and the students loved the opportunity to perform.

En garde!

Last Thursday saw the launch of our fencing group for 2014. Containing both new and old faces, the students launched straight into learning the basics of fencing. There were smiling faces all around with both structured training and fun games utilising newly formed skills. We encourage any students who may be interested to join to see Mr Maher for details.

Fete Day

Amazing talent, fabulous food and great company at the BCC Fete today!

First Day of Term 1 2015

Welcome back everyone and a warm welcome to those who have joined us. I hope you have a great 2015.

Game On Rugby Youtube video - Launch

Former Qantas Wallabies and Brumbies captain Stirling Mortlock has joined Angus Taylor MP, Member for Hume, and Michael Thomson, General Manager - Participation and Sustainable Sport, Australian Sports Commission at Brindabella Christian College in Canberra today to launch Australian Rugby’s new schools initiative ‘GAME ON’.

Please find an edited video link below from last week's 'game on' sporting schools rugby union launch here at Brindabella Christian College.

Go Kelsey-Lee!

Kelsey-Lee Robert's Commonwealth Games event is on Wednesday 30 July at 8:00pm (Scottish time) – around 5.30am – 6.00am AUS time (Thursday morning). Kelsey-Lee is relaxed, excited and ready for her event. She thanks everyone for their prayers and support

Healthy Bones Day

Charnwood students celebrated Healthy Bones Day today, in support of Arthritis ACT Milk was donated by Canberra Milk, Fruit and Veg from Woolworths Belconnen and students enjoyed an informative chat from local dietician, Jenelle C. (Feed Inc.) Activities also included skeleton art work, song and dance to "Dem Bones" and story time. A gold coin donation was received from students which will be forwarded to Arthritis ACT. Thank you to staff, and in particular Mrs Wilks, for planning and organising the day.

Highlights from the BCC Music Showcase

Click below to view the BCC Music Showcase video.

Honouring BCC's First Principal, Mr David Button

Brindabella Christian College’s first Principal Mr David Button died last week following a brave battle with melanoma. David was an instrumental figure in setting up what is now known as Brindabella Christian College. In 1979, David approached the O’Connor Uniting Church Parish Council with the idea of setting up a Christian School. He felt this school should not be an elite school but rather a dedicated Christian School focussed on Christ-centred education. Later that year he was appointed to establish such a school as part of the O’Connor Uniting Church. At the start of 1980, David became the first Principal of O’Connor Christian School with Mrs Trixie Rudder working as the Head Teacher. The School opened with an enrolment of 29 children from Kindergarten to Year 6. Within the first year of opening, enrolments exceeded expectations and Pre-school classes commenced with an additional teacher and assistant along with another primary school teacher. Realising there was not enough room at the O’Conner Uniting Church location to cater for the growing enrolments, David noticed unused rooms at 136 Brigalow Street Lyneham and prayerfully sought to use them for this rapidly growing Christian School. In 1982, O’Connor Christian School moved to 136 Brigalow Street Lyneham, housed in 12 classrooms at the rear of the block down near the motel. At this point, the school shared the site with the ACT Government’s Curriculum Development Centre. With the additional classrooms, the school was able to grow to include two secondary classes (Years 7-8). Each year the school grew and more classrooms were required, and each year school community prayed for more space. Meanwhile, the Government kept reducing the numbers of staff employed in the Curriculum Development Centre until in 1985 they moved out and the school was able to take over the complete site and, under the direction of David, installed an additional 7 portable classrooms. During 1985 David retired as Principal. In 1998 the O’Connor Christian School was renamed Brindabella Christian College. We would like to honour Mr David Button for his contribution to our College. May he rest in peace, after a race worth running. Glory be to God for David’s vision and hard work to further the Lord’s kingdom through the establishment and early leadership of our school.

It's a beautiful day out at Stromlo Forest Park

Yrs 9 girls race underway (pictured below) with Amelia D from BCC representing North Gungahlin at the 2015 ACT Cross Country championships - we have a great team out here today - well done to Patrick W who placed 13th in the territory. Looking forward to our secondary runners races commencing shortly.

It's Game on at Brindabella Christian College

Former Qantas Wallabies and Brumbies captain Stirling Mortlock has joined Angus Taylor MP, Member for Hume, and Michael Thomson, General Manager - Participation and Sustainable Sport, Australian Sports Commission at Brindabella Christian College in Canberra today to launch Australian Rugby’s new schools initiative ‘GAME ON’.

Kelsey-Lee Roberts wins Bronze at the Commonwealth Games

Congratulations Brindabella Christian College Alumni Student Kelsey-Lee Roberts wins Bronze at the Commonwealth Games.

Last few days of 2015

Click on the link below to view the last few days of 2016.

Let Them Run Wild

As the days are getting shorter and the weather is colder it is a good reminder that children still need to get outside and do exercise and activities. This is not only good for their health but also good for their mental health. Click here for recent research in this area.

Rhonda Malouf School Psychologist

Mrs Rachel Richards presented at a Children's Book Council

On Wednesday night Mrs Rachel Richards presented at a Children's Book Council event at ALIA House in Deakin. She spoke about fiction for Young Adults and chose a number of books she believed should be nominated for Book of the Year.

Mr Whitten - Canberra Weekly

Check out Mr Whitten, our Senior School Photography Teacher, in the Canberra Weekly - 5 May 2016.

Northside Cross Country Carnival - Outstanding results

Congratulations to the following students who were placed in the first 20 at the Northside Cross Country Carnival yesterday (12 years & over). These students are now eligible to compete in the ACT Cross Country at Stromlo on Monday 6th June 2016:

Official Opening of the New Junior School Wing

Senator the Hon Zed Seselja, Senator for the ACT, tried out the slide at the Official Opening of the new Brindabella Christian College Junior School Wing today.

One of the Giants at BCC

Cameron James, the AFL NSW/ACT Development Coordinator, and Jack Steele, GWS Giants Academy Player, visited BCC today! Much excitement was generated during the skills clinic they ran for all BCC students at first lunch. Congratulations to the 10 students who won tickets to tomorrow’s game “GWS Giants versus Port Adelaide at Manuka Oval”.

Thanks again guys for a great day at BCC.

PitStop Begins

PitStop got off to a flying start this week with Abigail & Jenna from Year 10 leading Year 5 students in Brain Gym activities. Even the teachers (including Mrs Spencer) found themselves hitting the deck to wake up their brains.

Representing the College so well

Last week Mr Handley, College board representatives, Mrs Jones, Mrs Thompson and Mr Campbell attended the 2016 Christian Schools Australia National Policy Forum which was held at the Hyatt hotel in Canberra.

Social Media & FOMO - The Fear of Missing Out

I have had a number of conversations with senior school families recently about use of social media and it has prompted me to write on the topic. I know that a significant number of our families regularly 'battle' with their children surrounding this very topic. I regularly field questions surrounding appropriate usage of social media and if I had a dollar for every time a parent commented on social media being the cause for issues with the youth of today, I would be a wealthy man.

Soldier On - Christmas/Care Cards

Over recent weeks a small group of Year 11 students studying Christian Service engaged in an initiative to involve the school community in thinking outside of themselves over Christmas. Students had recently heard from Rob Pickersgill from Soldier On - and decided they would arrange for the Brindabella Student body to create thankyou cards for service people who are either returned or deployed. Students designed a card template and met with classes from Kindergartn to Year 10 and worked with classes to involve all students in writing a card of thanks. On Friday afternoon Rebecca Mackenzie collated the cards and handed over some of the students care cards/letters - it was a special moment and Rob and Rebecca had a good conversation about the impact these messages will have on those deployed serving members who sacrifice so much, for the safety and security of all of us here at home.

Staff Member Highlight – Mrs Felicity McLure

I would like to take a moment this week to highlight some incredible work being carried out by one of our senior staff members, Mrs Felicity McLure. For those who might not be aware Felicity has been implementing a strategy called the Thinking Frames Approach in Years 8, 9 and 10 over the past two years in Science, which is designed to improve conceptual understanding and written explanations in science as part of a Ph.D. programme carried out through Curtin University in Perth. The results from this study have shown a highly significant improvement in both areas, with students often achieving outstanding conceptual change compared to other cohorts in Australia and internationally.

Star BCC Netballers

Caitlin M (Yr 9), Emily D (Yr 7) and Annick T (Yr 6) have been selected for the Canberra Netball Association representative teams. They represent the CNA at a number of carnivals against other associations and will be participating in the ACT Junior Championship in August. Congratulations!

Strings Concert

Congratulations to Mrs Smith, Year 3, Year 4 Extension Strings, Year 5 and the string ensemble (with some concert band help) on an excellent end of term String Concert.

Swimming Carnival

Last Friday our annual BCC Swimming Carnival was again a great day of fun and excitement. Click below to see some of the action.

Swimming Carnival Sports Presentation

On Tuesday morning we held our swimming carnival presentation assembly for all students who attended the swimming carnival. Age champions were presented with their medallions and our special congratulations go to Gudgenby House who took out the Winning House for this year's carnival. I would also like to congratulate students from Booroomba for their outstanding house spirit and were presented with the Spirit Cup for the swimming carnival. Thank you to all our parent helpers on the day for making this years carnival such a success, we are looking forward to our cross country carnival and more house spirit and student participation! Mr Campbell

Thank You Morning Tea

This morning we took a moment to thank our fantastic Fete organisers: Melanie Esterhuizen, Helen Wilks, Misty Ots and their wonderful team of Fete volunteers. You all need an award for effort! It was a wonderful Fete Day! Thank you again to all the parents, staff and volunteers who gave up their time to help on the day!

The Great Book Swap Challenge

This week many of our students took part in the “Great Book Swap” in the Library. BCC families had generously donated a great number of pre-loved books and children who arrived with a gold coin donation were able to choose a book to take home. Over $170 was raised and will be sent to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

Think Tank - author Pauline Deeves

This week in Think Tank Year 11 heard from author Pauline Deeves who took them through the process of writing her latest book from concept through to editing, design and publication. She also spoke about how to turn interesting events in Australian history into good fiction. The launch of her new book “Socks, sandbags and leeches” will be held at the National Library this coming Sunday at 11am for anyone who would like to attend. For more information go to

Think Tank - Glenn Larsen

This week in Think Tank, Year 11 heard from Glenn Larsen from Air Services Australia. Glenn shared with the students about the ethics and safety issues surrounding the growing use of drones, particularly in the Commercial arena.

Think Tank - Kelly Hayduk

This week in Think Tank Year 11 heard from Kelly Hayduk. Kelly lectures in International Development and through her involvement with MissionHeart church has been instrumental in setting up Sustainable Development projects in Kenya. The students were challenged by statistics concerning poverty and encouraged to consider ways they might support this important work.

Think Tank - Major General Stephen Day

This week in Think Tank Year 11 heard from Major General Stephen Day. Stephen has served in every conflict area that the Australian Army has been involved in since Vietnam, in Africa, East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan. His recent appointments include, Commander of the 7th Brigade in Brisbane, Chief of Plans at ISAF Joint Command in Afghanistan and the Head of Cyber in Canberra.

Virginia Haussegger Report

Virginia Haussegger, an ambassador for the Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge, came to visit the Year 3’s. She read us some of her favourite books such as The Magnificent Jellybean Tree and Secret Tree Fort. She told us that when she was younger she loved reading Enid Blyton books such as The Famous Five and The Faraway Tree We asked her what her most frightening moment as a journalist was and she told us a story about falling off a boat with the camera crew and having to stay on an island with sea lions. They were all very wet and cold and they had to stay all night until they were rescued by a helicopter the next day. She also told us stories about visiting Queen Elizabeth, the White House and spending time in Afghanistan. The Year Three’s really enjoyed talking with Ms Haussegger and we found it very encouraging.

We have "one of Australia’s Great School Libraries"

Brindabella Christian College’s Library has been recognised as one of Australia’s Great School Libraries by the Australian Library and Information Association.

Welcome morning tea for new students

Last Tuesday the 25th of February we welcomed our new students with prayer and fellowship as we gathered to share a special morning tea.

Work has started on the BCC Carpark

The carpark surface has dried out sufficiently for work to commence on Friday 7 October. As there is still rain predicted for Canberra next week and we want to ensure the carpark surface will be compacted enough to prevent any future potholing the carpark will be closed for all of the week beginning Monday 10 October. The Uniting Church carpark is private property and should not be used as an alternative. It is important parents plan carefully for next week and there are a few suggestions that may help:


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Experience Senior College for a Day

To "Experience Senior College for a day" on Tuesday 20 June, please follow this link to make your booking.

Anxiety in Mathematics

by Mr Paul Thompson, Head of Mathematics Many conversations with students and parents revolve around the issue of anxiety in Mathematics. I was reading an article about anxiety in Mathematics and thought it raised some very good points. In my opinion, one of the difficulties of Mathematics is that it is right or wrong.

So much of the world we live in, being right is relative.

Mathematics is a beautiful thing, as it reveals to us order - much like God's order in the World. Without going into the theology of Mathematics, the article raises many points as to why students feel anxious when studying Mathematics.

Regardless of your child's natural understanding of Mathematics, learning Mathematics must come from a place of hard work, as if we are doing it to glorify God. As you read this article, I would encourage you to talk with your child about the challenges they face in mathematics and show them the relevance of the skills they will need in the world we live in. How to Overcome Math Anxiety

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