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Senior College | Lyneham Campus | Brindabella Christian College

Welcome to the Senior College (Years 11 to 12)

At Brindabella Christian College, we believe all children can and should learn. Valuing initiatives to remove the disconnect between life and school, we envisage a future in which all our students grow to be lifelong learners. As a community of wisdom, integrity, service and excellence, we invite you to join us as we partner with your child on their educational journey. The Senior School, comprised of Years 9 to 12, provides an innovative learning framework within a safe and supportive Christian environment. The College is proud of the firm partnership that exists between families, College staff, and the wider community. We believe students need to be provided with an educational experience that fosters academic, emotional, and spiritual growth. This complete approach to the College years nurtures student development by providing a supportive community in which students feel a sense of belonging and identity. Year 11 and 12 students work within the curriculum frameworks provided by the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies and all eligible students are awarded ACT Year 12 Certificates and Tertiary Entrance Statements. Brindabella Christian College is a highly digitised learning environment with a 1:1 laptop program integrated across the school, providing students with access to the plethora of rich, inventive, and connected learning opportunities. We also offer a wide range of co-curricular opportunities in the performing arts, sport, international mission and theological programs. Choosing the right College environment for young adults is one of the most important decisions to be made. At Brindabella Christian College we believe helping every young person to flourish in leaning and life is our mission. In our community they will be well known, well loved and well taught.

Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

2024 Collegian Handbook An Essential Guide to Yr11-12.pdf


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